Walking Together

When mistakes are made, pride usually dictates to us the same old script: “They got themselves into this mess; they need to get themselves out!” But is this what love calls us to? Is this what Christ wants of us in our marriage? It does not negate the fact that when a spouse messes up or falls off the right path, they need to take ownership and walk the path back to where they need to be. But is it important that they do it alone? Isn’t this just another form of vengeance – to get back at them, teach them a lesson, etc.?

I find it interesting in Scripture that Jesus not only forgave his persecutors, but He sought out those who not only hurt Him but had sorrow about their actions, especially those who were the closest to Him. He knew that pride, shame, or confusion could cause His “bride” to stumble again and so He sought them out in the upper room, on the road to Emmaus, from the shore while they were out in the boat, etc. He knew that sinfulness blinds us, at times, in finding our way back to His loving heart. So He sought them out of love. Are we not also to do the same?

When we mess up and apologize for our mistakes, it can sometimes be a very humiliating or humbling experience. But this experience can be softened by our spouse coming to us to walk the road of healing with us, versus making us walk the rough road back to them by ourselves.

This is definitely not an easy concept, but it is in line with the way Christ treated us, His spouse, when we messed up. I believe He wants us to not only forgive, but to know the deepest meaning of “love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)

ACTION STEP: This week, find more ways to walk together though the times of forgiveness and healing.


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