Love is not Inflated

I must admit, at first, I was at a loss when I came to this verse. When I think of the word inflated, I think of tires or pool inner tubes, not love. At a second glance, though, I think I missed the mark on the author’s intent. What he means is that love is not conceited. Love cannot reside in a heart with an excessively high opinion of itself. As we have already seen, love calls us to sacrifice our comfort and desires for the sake of others. A conceited heart knows little of giving freely to others without expectation of gain for itself. 

True love calls for us to have a humble heart that knows that all of mankind is made in the image and likeness of God, deserving of respect, care, and charity. A humble heart sees that the ugliness of mankind is due to sin and can only be healed through Christ-like love and a turning away from selfishness. This is a hard one to truly cultivate, but Christ called all of us to “deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him” (Matt. 16:24). 

ACTION STEP: This week, take a hard look at the ways you think of yourself before others, especially your spouse. Seek this week to put them first without the expectation of anything in return.


Love is not Rude


Love is not Pompous